Request for Proposal School Clock and Intercom System
The Manchester Community School District (MCS) is looking to upgrade our school clock technology by syncing our clocks to a single system and adding hallway clocks. MCS is interested in looking at IP based solutions to add the potential for alert notifications.
Sealed proposals will be received at the Manchester Community Schools - Riverside Intermediate School, 710 E Main Street, Manchester, MI. 48158 until Monday, April 14th, 2025 10:00 AM EST for proposals to a new clock system to Luther C. Klager Elementary School. Bids will be accepted for the entire package (equipment, materials, labor, complete installation, permits, and electrical), and itemize each portion of your bid proposal. If you are bidding as a subcontractor, please bid the portion that pertains to you. Please see the Proposal for School Clock and Intercom System Request for Proposal packet for more details on our website, under Public Notice:
Pre-Bid Site Walk (Optional) Wednesday, March 26th 2025 at 10:00 AM EST.
The bidder must include with the bid a Certificate of Liability Insurance.
Bids are to be sealed and addressed to: Manchester Community Schools, Attn: Benjamin Bruursema, 710 E. Main Street, Manchester, MI. 48158 and plainly marked on the outside “A Bid for Manchester Community Schools – “Proposal for School Clock and Intercom System”. Please contact Ben Bruursema with questions: The Manchester Community Schools reserves the right to waive informalities to accept or reject any and all bids, or parts of any and all bids.