Public Notice
ESSER/Section 11t/Section 98c
What is ESSER?
The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund is part of the United States Education Department’s Educational Stabilization Fund Program that awards grants to schools for the purpose of providing school districts with emergency funds to address the impact that the Novel Coronavirus Disease has had and continues to have on Elementary and Secondary Schools. For more information, please visit the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) Cares Act and Coronavirus Relied Fund Information page.
Equalization Payments (Section 11t), outlines the use of federal discretionary funds within the American Rescue Plan ESSER III. For more information, please review the Timelines, Funding for American Rescue Plan (ARP), and Section 11t Equalization – Memo COVID -19-208 – dated October 14, 2021.
MCS ESSER III Narrative and Plans
- Manchester Community Schools Spending Plan and Stakeholder Feedback Summary
- Manchester Community Schools LEA Narrative
- MDE LEA Plans for Use
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan
MCS Extended COVID- 19 Learning Plan, 8/05/2020
MCS Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan, 09/14/2020
MCS Return to School Connected Learning Plan, 2020-2021
Continuity of Learning Plan
- Continuity of Learning Plan Presented: 9/19/2022
- Continuity of Learning Plan Continued: 4/17/2023
- Continuity of Learning Plan Continued: 8/16/2023
- Continuity of Learning Plan Continued: 2/20/2024
- Continuity of Learning Plan Continued: 8/19/2024
MCS COVID-19 Updates
Section 98c Learning Loss
Manchester Community Schools Wellness Policy
Public Notices released by MCS
- Notice of Public Hearing 2024.25 Budget and Truth in Taxation
- Limited Tax Pledge Notice 2024 June 17th 2023 @ 6:00 PM EST
- 1095 Employee Notice
FOIA Information